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Nuestro Ambiente: Latina/os and Environmental Justice
Ann Arbor, MI

November 22, 2002

On November 22, 2002, the Environmental Justice Initiative of the School of Natural Resources and Environment, the Latina/o Studies Program of the School of Literature, Science and the Arts, and the Latin American and Caribbean Studies of the International Institute sponsored a three-day conference entitled "Nuestro Ambiente: Latina/os and Environmental Justice." This was a participatory conference where primarily Latina/o scholar-activists, from both the U.S. and Latin America explored a variety of environmental justice topics namely: pesticides; genetic resources and bioprospecting; reclamation of land and water; migrant workers and NAFTA; environmental justice at the U.S. - Mexican Border; environmental justice struggles in Puerto Rico, carbon mitigation in Mayan communities;and demographics of air pollution in California. The outcome of this conference will be an edited book by Professors Ivette Perfecto and Bunyan Bryant used to provide information to a variety of policymakers and advocacy groups at both the national and international levels.


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