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Environmental Justice Initiative Faculty/Staff Research
Director Bunyan Bryant is a professor and one of the pre-eminent architects of the Environmental Justice Plan in the University of Michigan School of Natural Resources and Environment. One of Dr. Bryant’s current research interests is environmental justice and global climate change. Dr. Bryant feels this may be the biggest environment injustice ever because low-income and people of color communities are most vulnerable to the effects of climate change.

Listings of Faculty and Student Publications are also available

EJI research projects include:

  • An examination of environmental data and academic information on Head Start children in Detroit to understand if there are connections between environmental pollution and children's academic progress.
  • Bunyan Bryant is the advisor of a Master's project examining the environmental impacts of Hurricane Katrina. The project is titled: Hurricane Katrina and the Murphy Oil Spill: The role of community-based research in directing a sustainable rebuilding process in St. Bernard Parish.
  • Last year, the Environmental Justice Inititative co-sponsored the first Environmental Justice Master's project in which students provided an environmental analysis for an Arab community near Detroit that could suffer negative impacts due to a proposed facility in their neighborhood.


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