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Environmental Justice Campaigns
Free Burma: The University of Michigan has substantial investments in corporations that do business with Burma. Thanks to the efforts of the Environmental Justice Group, the Michigan Student Assembly voted to encourage the Regents to divest from Burma. Other goals included:: 1) lobbying the Regents and elected officials to implement this policy, and 2) encouraging Professor Marina Whitman, a board member of Unocal, to encourage that company to withdraw from its pipeline project in Burma.

Hamtramck Environmental Action Team: This team campaigned to pressure Michigan Waste Services to apply cleaner technologies and to discontinue non-essential medical waste incineration at the Hamtramck Incinerator in Hamtramck, Michigan.

Youth Garden Project: Members of the EJ Student Group established a community garden at Perry Child Development Center in Ypsilanti, Michigan for kids of all ages. Neighborhood youth learned planting, weeding, and the pleasure of eating food they grew over the summer.

Fair Trade Coffee: The Fair Trade movement seeks to ensure that the producers of commodities like coffee receive a living wage for their crops and decent working conditions.

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