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Environmental Justice Initiative Board
The goals of the Environmental Justice Initiative Board are to 1) give direction to the future of the Initiative; 2) help create endowments; 3) brainstorm funding resources and identify potential funding prospects to sustain the Initiative; 4) help chart new directions for the Initiative; 5), help with public relations; 6) help explore the concept of urban land trusts for building environmentally just communities; and 7) help establish credibility among multiple stakeholders.The Advisory Board meets once or twice a year to share these ideas.

Board Members:
Percy Bates, Professor, School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Bill Bryan, President, Off the Beaten Path, Bozeman, MT
John Burkhardt, Professor, School of Education, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Gilbert Gee, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
David Gordon, Diversity & Career Development Office, Associate Dean, Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
Elliott Hall, Dykema Gossett, P.L.L.C., Detroit, MI
Oran Hesterman, Program Director, Kellogg Foundation, Battle Creek, MI
Jamie Hoyte, Associate Vice President, Office of the Assistant to the President, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Bob Kuehn, Professor, University of Alabama School of Law, Tuscaloosa, AL
Cheryl Lee, Department of Urology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
Gus Medina, Project Manager, Environmental Education and Training Partnership, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, Stevens Point, WI
Lana Pollack, President, Michigan Environmental Council, Lansing, MI
Rafe Pomerance, Chairman, Climate Policy Center, Washington DC
Howard Sims, President, Sims & Associates, Detroit, MI
Rhea Suh, Program Officer, Hewlett Foundation, Menlo Park, CA
Donele Wilkins, Executive Director, Detroiters Working for Environmental Justice, Detroit, MI
Iantha Gantt-Wright, The Kenian Group, Fort Washington, MD

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